About us


We really are so much more than desserts!

Jenna's Nut-Free Dessertery is a 100% Indigenous owned business in Fredericton NB. What started as a way to regain independence after 2 life altering events in my early 30's. (I not only became deathly allergic to nuts out of no where: upending my families eating and shopping habits but I lost a portion of her eyesight only months later leaving me legally blind and trying to find my new normal.) I wanted to show myself and my children that no matter what life throws at you, you can make life work for you. 

Armed with $250 and her husbands support she started her small booth at The Boyce Farmers Market in June 2019. Despite a pandemic and countless roadblocks that small booth has transformed into a Multifaceted business with a restaurant, Onsite Bakery complete with a Stone Four Mill, catering and a food production facility. Our start at the local farmers market helped foster not only a love for local but incredible relationships with local farmers and producers allowing us to bring you the freshest, local ingredients every chance we get!! Living with a severe Nut-Allergy myself, I fully understand the everyday struggle of finding safe alternatives. That's why everything we do is nut-free: creating a safe haven and more options for those with nut-allergy and their loved ones. 

I believe food is a gateway to other cultures and is great way to get people to the table. I love sharing and reconnecting with my own roots through food, whether its at our place or yours. Our easy to use Bannock Mixes makes it simple for you and your family to enjoy our signature Bannock even if you can visit our restaurant in Fredericton. 

Over the past 4 years we have created something truly special and have brought Indigenous cuisine to places like the ECMA Red Carpet, The World Juniors, Canada Winter Games, Culinary Stages, Taste Turtle Island, A Taste of the Atlantic and even to the shelves of Sobeys! And I am not done yet!! I will continue to strive to bring you new innovative products, events and experiences creating opportunities and sharing culture even further.

We are also proud to have created the first Provincial Cookie in Canada -The New Brunswick Cookie- A Maple and Wild Blueberry Shortbread. This cookie was released New Brunswick Day 2023 on the Legislative Lawn with Premier Blaine Higgs. 

As you can see we are so much more than desserts; I'm sure you are surprised that desserts are such a small part of our journey. Don't worry we still keep an assortment of high end, quality desserts on hand and take orders for specialty cakes!